<span></span> 今早收到短信,信用卡交易当地币850元,上周六TNT寄出的EA评估,昨天签收,今早扣款的。<br />
发邮件查询了下,目前处理到2012年12月12号的,当前处理周期是19周,只能等着了。<span></span> <br />
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“1. If you have lodged a COMPETENCY DEMONSTRATION REPORT (CDR), the current turnaround time is c.19 weeks<br />
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- CDR applications received on the 12 December 2012 are currently with an assessing case officer - formal advice of the outcomes will be generated within the next 10 days or so”
今晨终于收到扣款短信当地币450元,正好是icaa的fast track 费用。此外收到cpaa的确认信,补的资料终于收到了。现在在同一起跑线上看哪个评估机构更给力了!!从现在一周内不想收到这两个机构的任何信息,因为这样才说明不差什么资料了,评估顺利进行。No news is good news!!两周以后就开始期盼结果