一直以来,由于自动化是个万金油专业,样样都学样样都不精通,评估时也给大家带来了很多烦恼,可能很多同学把EA手册翻了个遍愣是没找到特别适合自己专业的职业。<br />
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根据论坛中前人的经验和我个人的了解,以前EA自动化评估电气和电子的都有,新的ANZSCO出了以后(也不确定是不是这个时间点),自动化有了专门的对应职业Automation and Control engineer, “Automation and Control engineer is a specialisation of Production Engineer, and therefore has the same ANZSCO code 233513”.截止到2011年7月1日,Production Engineer都是在SOL上的60分职业<br />
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关于EA评估的材料准备、CDR的准备和评估流程论坛上的前辈已经写过很多帖子,这贴就不再详述了。<br />
这次主要是想谈一下自动化的同学怎样评估这个真正属于我们的职业。<br />
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目录<br />
一.职业官方描述<br />
二.自动化工程师与电子工程师CDR举例(陆续增加中,热烈欢迎其他评估过的朋友提供更多信息)<br />
三.自动化本科专业课列表以及评估电气工程师的必要课程(仅供参考)<br />
四.常见问题<br />
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作者: frkdxbpywu98 时间: 2011-6-8 01:47
INDUSTRIAL, MECHANICAL AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERS design, organise and oversee the construction, operation and maintenance of mechanical and process plant and installations, establish programs for the coordination of manufacturing activities, and ensure usage of resources is cost effective.
Indicative Skill Level:
In Australia and New Zealand:
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
Registration or licensing may be required.
Tasks Include:
•studying functional statements, organisational charts and project information to
•determine functions and responsibilities of workers and work units and to identify areas of duplication
•establishing work measurement programs and analysing work samples to develop standards for labour utilisation
•analysing workforce utilisation, facility layout, operational data and production schedules and costs to determine optimum worker and equipment efficiencies
•designing mechanical equipment, machines, components, products for manufacture, and plant and systems for construction
•developing specifications for manufacture, and determining materials, equipment, piping, material flows, capacities and layout of plant and systems
•organising and managing project labour and the delivery of materials, plant and equipment
•establishing standards and policies for installation, modification, quality control, testing, inspection and maintenance according to engineering principles and safety regulations
•inspecting plant to ensure optimum performance is maintained
•directing the maintenance of plant buildings and equipment, and coordinating the requirements for new designs, surveys and maintenance schedules
233511 Industrial Engineer
233512 Mechanical Engineer
233513 Production or Plant Engineer
关于Production Engineer的详细描述如下
Tasks Include:
★ Establishes standards and policies for installation, modification, quality control, testing, inspection and maintenance, according to engineering principles and safety regulations.
★ Inspects plant to ensure optimum performance is maintained.
★ Directs the maintenance of plant buildings and equipment and coordinates the requirements for new designs, surveys and maintenance schedules.
★ Prepares contracts and specifications for construction and facility acquisitions.
★ Schedules and plans production activities.
★ Tests newly installed machines and equipment to ensure compliance with requirements and specifications.
从上面可见有的CO会看本科专业课中是否包括配电方面的课程如 High Voltage electricity, power generation, power transmission, power protection, switch and relays,我们自动化的虽然接触的都是380V的在他们看来这也是低压