简明扼要说下情况:<br />
1.本科理学学士--应用物理;<br />
2.硕士工程硕士--电子与信息工程,2010年拿到学位;<br />
3.工作2004年至今,今年7月满10年;<br />
4.目标职业:263312, Telecommunication Network Engineer<br />
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因为本科不是工科,所以给EA发信,附上了简历(包含参与的项目),本科、硕士阶段的主修课。以下是回信主要内容:<br />
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From the information you provided, it is highly likely that we would have to base your assessment on the combination of your qualifications rather than on the undergraduate degree alone.<br />
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As you completed your Masters degree in 2010, only your work experience since the graduation date could be considered though. If you wish to be assessed as a Telecommunications Engineer, then Engineers Australia is the correct assessing authority.<br />
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Please note that Engineers Australia is an organization independent from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). It is not Engineers Australia’s place to give you any advice on immigration processes, visa eligibility or immigration requirements.<br />
The attribution of points remains at the discretion of the DIBP officers.<br />
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现在有几个问题:<br />
1. EA只是评估职业是否符合263312这个code,还是评估什么呢?EA管不管工作年限加分,会不会写上认可几年工作经验,然后再EOI的时候根据它给的年限算分?<br />
2. 如果只认可2010年之后的工作经验,那么分数肯定少了很多,这样的话我可以用本科申请评估吗,因为硕士本科都是15分;<br />
3. 如果把握点的话,是不是再申请一个ACS职评呢?<br />
<br />
作者: lzfsgx 时间: 2014-3-13 23:52
2. base your assessment on the combination of your qualifications rather than on the undergraduate degree alone,自己看不懂吗?
3.ACS EA 不管哪个 哪个对你的移民分数有利就去找哪个评估机构。
P.S. 263312貌似只有SA开过州担,且雅思要求4个6.5以上,为啥想去评这个呢?
作者: 孤虫的思想 时间: 2014-3-14 03:24
首先谢谢回复。我知道职业评估是最关键的一环,我的情况还有点特殊,看到过帖子情况差不多但是也结果不同,这个都是case by case的,所以当然想听听大家的经验。p.s.我能看懂EA的那句英文。