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先晒晒结果,应该是从09年7月开始算吧。<br />
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The following employment after July 2009 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately skilled<br />
level and relevant to 261312 (Developer Programmer) of the ANZSCO Code.<br />
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然后我是08年7月毕业的。07年7月开始实习的。<br />
本来以为毕业前的实习不会被算进去的。<br />
结果算进去了。<br />
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有个问题需要问一下,呼叫版主解答下。<br />
理论上我09年7月到14年7月就满5年了。<br />
但是我是14年1月份评估的。<br />
我提交移民申请的事情如果是14年7月份以后提交,我工作经验可以算5年么?<br />
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Before I lodged my application, I asked DIAC that question as my intent was to claim 8 years of work experience, of which a few months of the 8 years were done while I was completing my bachelors degree.
Their response was that anything before the qualification is not counted because it is not considered to be skilled, but that if you are able to prove your work experience of 20 hours or more *during* the time you were going to school, then that, which is considered to be "semi-qualified" may be counted.
移民局的答复说是before the qualification is not counted because it is not considered to be skilled