Below is the list of IEA Migration Skills Assessment required documents in this envelope.
OCCUPATION: xxxx 1234-56
1. Cover letter (this page)
2. Completed Application Form with passport-style photo and Application fee (3 pages including CDR Declaration Page)
3. My mailing address sticker.
4. Certified true copy of my passport.
5. A Copy of Original English language test (IELTS) result (I have arranged Original IELTS result to be forwarded directly to Engineers Australia from the Test Centre by DHL).
6. A certified copy of graduation certificate from xx notary public office.
7. A certified copy of Bachelor's Degree certificate from xx notary public office.
8. A sealed certified copy of graduation certificate, certified copy of Bachelor's Degree certificate and official academic transcripts from xxx University.
9. Curriculum Vitae (CV) (x pages)
10. Employer reference letter with manager name card (1 page)
11. An account of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (1 page)
12. Three Career Episodes (xx pages)
13. Summary Statement of evidence for the competency elements (3 pages)
I promise that all the above documents are fully prepared and all the information in them is correct and up-to-date.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question.
职业后续发展(Continuing Professional Development, CPD)是指申请人在毕业后随时掌握其工程领域最新发展的方式。
CDR 中也要包含一份申请人 CPD 的简要总结。CPD 可以采取列表的形式(注明日期):
正式的研究生学习(formal post-graduate study)
已发表论文或已修学的成人补习班(conferences at which you have delivered papers or attended)
参加的短期课程(short courses),讲习班(workshops),研讨和讨论组(seminars and discussion groups),讨论、技术检查和技术会议(conferences, technical inspections and technical meetings)
课程、会议、研讨和座谈所用材料的准备和演示(preparation and presentation of material for courses, conferences, seminars and symposia)
向工程行业提供的服务(志愿工作、董事会或委员会志愿者、顾问指导等)(service to the engineering profession (volunteer work, board or committee volunteer, mentoring, etc))
个人研究(private study),包括书籍(books)、杂志(journals)、汇刊(transactions)、手册(manuals)等
申请人的 CPD 列表不能多于一页 A4 纸。
现在有好多“?”还没得到答案 等我操作后 把细节都写上,然后就 finalize it 但鉴于成绩单在学校 有可能要到9月 你才能给俺精华
作者: 19770616 时间: 2010-7-31 03:55
作者: luckyqsaitii 时间: 2010-7-31 05:38
作者: 晟娴宝宝 时间: 2010-7-31 14:13
回楼主 - 我当时是直接在Cover page上做出说明的:
Please kindly note that the Original English language test (IELTS) result is not available at this moment, I will take the IELTS test this September and arrange the test result to be forwarded directly to Engineers Australia from the Test Centre.