这个保险的意思不是像我们国内的人寿保险,譬如出了什么事给笔保金这种的。在澳洲,因为医疗费用相当昂贵,一般公民和PR由于有medicare,所以国家支付一定的医疗费用,所以海外人士要来澳洲购买澳洲这里的private health fund。价格比较贵的,一年搞不好2000澳元都是有可能的,要看年龄什么的。有了这个保险,看病,门诊,开刀什么的都能cover掉一定的部分,具体看你买的种类和交的premium的多少。
作者: 心如沉海 时间: 2012-12-22 01:19
Maintain health insurance – this means that you must have adequate health insurance while you are in Australia. Your visa may be cancelled if you do not maintain adequate health insurance cover. Reciprocal health arrangements are not adequate to meet this requirement. If you apply for another visa in the future, you may be asked to provide evidence that you held health insurance while you were in Australia. If you cannot provide evidence, you may not be eligible to be granted another Tourist visa.
Health insurance policy
If you need to have health insurance while in Australia the health insurance policy:
can be with any Australian insurer or reputable overseas insurer
doesn't need to be with a specialist health insurance company
can include an excess and standard 'pre-existing condition' clauses
must be fully comprehensive (that is, it must provide at least Medicare equivalent cover including hospital, emergency, general practitioner and pharmaceutical benefits.
It is preferable that your health insurance is held with an Australian insurer but it can be made through a reputable overseas insurer which provides the same level of cover.
It is recommended that you take out health and/or travel insurance for yourself and your family for the duration of your stay in Australia. You may be asked to provide evidence that you have health/travel insurance or adequate funds to pay for emergency medical treatment while in Australia to satisfy the financial requirements for this visa.
ur department policy supports the grant of a long validity visa
· in your case, 3 years validity with multiple entry, and providing for
a stay in Australia of up to 12 months on each entry, subject to the
provision of health insurance evidence.
If you decide to take the offer of a long validity visa, please provide
us with the health insurance evidence via email or via the AVAC within
28 days of the date of this email. Our requirements for health insurance
cover are that: