NAATI官方在11月8日发布暂停所有中文笔译和普通话口译认证考试的公告,暂停的主要目的是官方需要调查在公众媒体上面上载的考试材料,以确保考试的公平性。就目前看来,NAATI何时重启2012年二级、三级口译(普通话)和三级中文笔译考试还是未知之数。<br />
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关于NAATI公告的暂停通知请参考NAATI官网:<br />
原文摘录如下:<br />
NAATI has suspended translator and interpreter accreditation testing in the Mandarin and Chinese language groups from Wednesday, 9 November 2011 until 2012. The suspension is to allow investigation of test materials being posted on social media within these groups.<br />
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NAATI will put new testing arrangements in place for 2012 and will notify all candidates of these arrangements next month. All tests currently scheduled for 2011 or where applications have been made but not yet scheduled will be conducted under the new testing arrangements in 2012.<br />
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This suspension is necessary to protect the integrity of the national accreditation system and to ensure fairness for people who sit the tests without accessing such materials. <br />
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分析: <br />
1. NAATI认证的课程, 由于无需参加NAATI组织的年度考试或临时性考试,可以免受影响。<br />
2. 安全起见,请同学们,务必与学校确认此事宜。<br />
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