准备找人写推荐信,认证ACS。<br />
Position(s) held - positions should not be described by generic titles, but according to the nature of the duties undertaken <br />
有童鞋了解这句话的准确意思吗?就是说,要按照工作职能来写Tile,而不是公司给的Title,能这么理解吗?<br />
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急啊急啊。。<br />
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作者: 股票研究所20 时间: 2012-8-31 00:16
you can use whatever title
but make sure the consistency in your documents
作者: 我和北京小妹 时间: 2012-8-31 06:53
you can use whatever title
but make sure the consistency in your documents
作者: htnr9856 时间: 2012-8-31 10:07
they care about 工作内容 much more than 实际Title
作者: 工藤新一的女友 时间: 2012-8-31 16:29
in your reference letter
it is better to specify your daily tasks and achievements