
标题: 悉尼CBD地产公司 诚招地产销售/市场推广人员 [打印本页]

作者: jcjohnson0921    时间: 2017-12-5 10:17
标题: 悉尼CBD地产公司 诚招地产销售/市场推广人员
本帖最后由 jcjohnson0921 于 2017-12-5 11:18 编辑

放假了吗?毕业了吗?回国了吗? 实习经历丰富吗?准备好开始工作了吗?
还没有的话,为何不给自己一个机会先体验学习一下?全/兼职地产销售/Sales,四周起拿下Reference letter,无需经验,肯学肯做,你就可以!给自己一个机会,丰富自己的履历,此时不搏更待何时?!
时光易逝,机不可失,心动不如行动,有意向者请将简历发送至[email protected]
PS:公司在CBD,距Town hall station仅3分钟步行,上下班有多方便你懂的
那么 今年暑假 来约吧!

Sales Assistant 地产销售/ 市场推广

1. 高效的专业培训,为员工职业发展添砖铺路
2. 便捷的地理位置,办公室坐落于悉尼CBD, 工作环境舒适,工作氛围轻松
3. 薪资水平高,福利丰厚,有机会雇主担保
4. NSW/ VIC/ QLD 大量楼盘房源,可供各类客户挑选

1. 无需工作经验,有较强学习能力
2. 有责任心,态度端正
3. 性格开朗,虚心好学,热爱房地产行业
4. 沟通能力强,英语较流利


有意者请发送简历到 [email protected]
微信: jiangcheng0921
电话: 0422075265

Jucheng Group is a professional platformwhich provides services including: real estate selling, loan business,houses management, project development, legal consultation, immigrationconsultation as well as the implementation of commercial activities.
For the company's business development needs,we are now recruiting full-time/part-time sales and marketing.
The requirement for full-time sales includes:
•Communication competenceand customer service awareness
•Good professional ethicsand learning spirit
•Ability to cope with workpressure and facing challenges
•Independent working abilityand team spirit
•Hard working
•Experience is preferred butnot limited
•Customer Resources ispreferred
The requirement for part-time sales includes:
•Communication competenciesand customer service awareness
•Good professional ethicsand learning spirit
•Ability to work effectivelyunder pressure
•Independent working abilityand team spirit
•Hard working
For new-inemployees, we will offer a complimentary 2-week training program thatintroduces sales skills and workshops to insist you to get familiar with realestate selling.
Please send your CV to [email protected]
Wechat: jiangcheng0921
Mobile: 0422075265

作者: jcjohnson0921    时间: 2017-12-5 10:19

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