
标题: 【重磅消息】新环球雅思学校首次免费公开课!怎能错过攻克雅思的魔法秘籍?! [打印本页]

作者: 新环球雅思学校    时间: 2015-6-10 16:55
标题: 【重磅消息】新环球雅思学校首次免费公开课!怎能错过攻克雅思的魔法秘籍?!
本帖最后由 新环球雅思学校 于 2015-6-10 17:03 编辑

由环球雅思,新航道,朗阁,新东方领衔的布里斯班最佳雅思团队,即将为布里斯班烤鸭的小伙伴们提供一场免费的雅思豪华盛宴。2015年6月21日上午10:00,在新环球雅思学校SUNNYBANK 办公室,我们会推出针对6月27日雅思考试的重磅预测现场活动,期间,不光是6月27日新环球雅思对澳洲雅思独家雅思最精准的预测(请看我们童鞋5月30日预测好评,100%精准有木有,童叟无欺),另外还有我们校长的7分写作独家武功秘籍上一次课,保证你立马提高0.5分。 目前,新环球雅思校长的7分VIP 学员,无一不过(请看最近2个月我们的校长战绩,用实力说话,我们不说通过率,根本无据可查,有图有真相,有本事就晒成绩单,有实力就是这么任性!!)。


1.     贱10一出,谁与针锋? 新环球雅思专业刨析2015年-16年雅思走势以及命题
2.     CHERISE 老师的犀利语法点评,避免雅思写作十宗罪
3.     STEVEN 校长7分写作 独家秘籍
4.     1对1 面对面答疑 解决你任何“私密”难题
5.     2015年6月27日考试独家预测
6.     现场有奖问答
7.     新环球7分学员现身说法 如何1个月内快速突破7分

新环球雅思首次公开课,集优秀之精华,集专业之核心,震撼推出,即将爆满。 下半年要考试的童鞋赶紧速速来报名, CC这里不好意思的提前透露一下,首次公开课,前20位报名参与的人将获得史无前例的惊喜奖品,不来的别说你到时后悔!

还等什么,现在就暴打我们的热线或者加我们的官方微信 赶紧预定你的VIP坐席:
Tel:07-31955986  (中午1点后拨打)
Mob: 0491137096   随时拨打
官方微信号: NewGlobalEducation
微信公众号: NewGlobalGroup
Website: www.newglobalielts.com.au
Address: 267 Mains Rd, Sunnybank QLD 4109  


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作者: 新环球雅思学校    时间: 2015-6-11 15:42
本帖最后由 新环球雅思学校 于 2015-6-11 15:43 编辑

作者: 新环球雅思学校    时间: 2015-6-11 15:42

Parents today are not as close to their children as they used to be. What are the causes of this? Suggest some solutions.

Many people believe that teachers should take the responsibility for the students to  judge what is right and wrong and behave well, others feel that teachers should only  teach academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that governments should spend money on the protection of minority languages. Others however believe that would be a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people think the technology makes life complex, so we should make the life  simpler without using the technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

News media are important in modern society. Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?

Health is a basic human need. Health care should not be provided by private profit-making companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In some countries old people are highly valued, while in some cultures young people  are highly valued. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

People aim to achieve the balance between their work and lives. But few people achieve it. What are the causes of the problems? How to overcome it?

The spread of multinational companies and resulting increase of globalization produces positive effects for everyone. To what extent to you agree or disagree?

More and more people are moving from rural areas to cities in search of a better life but city life has its own problems. What are these problems? Suggest some solutions.

Some people believe that governments should give financial support to artists such as painters sculptors and musicians. Others however argue that artists should be funded by other sources. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that some unpaid community service should be a compulsory  part of high school programmes (e.g. working in a charity, improving the relationship  of neighbourhood or teaching sports to children) To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that social skills are as important as academic qualifications.  To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The environmental problems facing the world today are so serious that there is little ordinary people can do to improve the situation. Only the government and large companies can reduce the damage being done to the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some countries and individuals try to deal with the problem of animal extinction. Others think it is more important to deal with problems of human beings. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that governments should make investment in building public libraries in every town, while others think it is a waste of money because we have access to information via Internet. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that the only purpose of prison is to punish criminals. Others however argue that it has other purposes as well. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people think planning future is a waste of time and people should focus on the present. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Today, the qualities of life of people in big cities are worse. What are the causes of this problem? Any measures should be taken to solve it?

Nowadays, there is a trend that reports of media focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive developments. Some people think it is harmful to individuals and to society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

作者: 新环球雅思学校    时间: 2015-6-12 16:06
【每日屠雅资讯】英语大作文以及口语时,我们会经常提及老年人这个单词。虽然这个单词不管你怎么说,都会引起老年人的反感,毕竟他们不不愿意被人常常提醒他们的迟暮之年,但我们总归还是有一些方法来委婉的表达,童鞋们最常用的错误就是: old people, old person,这样的表达方式只会让你的雅思水平瞬间降到4分水平,其实在英语中这样的表达意思是老兄来着。

Senior citizen
Seasoned citizen
The elderly (一定要有定冠词 the)
Elderly people
Golden ager -   for those people who come to golden years
Retired person

因为尽量避免说old, 所以你可以风趣的说:for the people who are 60 years young
【新环球雅思 每日播报 轻松突破雅思】

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