( 图片来源:《澳华财经在线》)
ACB News《澳华财经在线》7月31日讯 为确保非紧急择期手术被推迟的患者尽快获得手术安排,新南威尔士州政府正在寻求新的路径。该州卫生部新闻发言人今日表示,州政府正在额外提供 3000 万澳元资金,以委托私立医院代表新南威尔士州公立卫生系统,向相关病人提供额外的择期手术服务。
The NSW Government is providing an additional $30 million for private hospitals to undertake additional elective surgery on behalf of the NSW Health system to ensure that patients who have their non-urgent elective surgery postponed will be scheduled for surgery as soon as possible.
COVID-19疫情扩散依然持续,为确保医院拥有足够的医疗资源和能力应对持续增长的疫情,8月2日起,大悉尼区部分公立医院(不包括 Illawarra Shoalhaven 和Central Coast中央海岸地方卫生区)的非紧急择期手术被临时推迟。
This is in response to the decision to temporarily postpone non-urgent elective surgery at public hospitals in Greater Sydney, excluding the Illawarra Shoalhaven and Central Coast Local Health Districts, from Monday, 2 August to ensure hospital capacity and resources required for the COVID-19 response are maintained during the current, growing outbreak.
刚刚过去的 2020-21财 年,新南威尔士州政府已额外提供了4.585 亿澳元用于快速通道择期手术。这些手术因联邦政府去年3月为应对 COVID-19 大流行而决定暂时中止非紧急择期手术而被推迟,2022新财年中,作为新南威尔士州财政预算中的一部分,另外8000 万澳元资金也已被提供用于快速通道择期手术。
In 2020-21 the NSW Government provided an extra $458.5 million to fast-track elective surgeries which were delayed as a result of the Federal Government’s decision to temporarily suspend non-urgent elective surgery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in March last year, and a further $80 million has been provided as part of the 2021-22 NSW Budget.
All emergency surgery and urgent elective surgery will continue to be performed during this challenging period.
为应对COVID-19 疫情,去年3月以来,新南威尔士州政府已向该州卫生系统投入了超过40亿澳元的资金。
The NSW Government has committed more than $4 billion to the NSW health system to manage the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020.
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