发表于 2012-7-11 15:45:54
来自: INNA
这个是挺郁闷的,本来还以为找到了一条新的出路,可以去澳洲驻上海的领事馆把certified copy的所有东西给搞定了,(尤其是那个reference letter),但居然有TX去试过以后发现不行。
PDF certified copies of all employment documentation to be assessed containing the following information:
Each skilled employment reference must contain:
Start & Finish Dates of Employment
Description of Duties Performed
Hours worked - Full time or Part time
Country where Employment was Completed
Company Letterhead and signed by the author
Certified Documents
All documents must be certified copies of originals.
A document is a certified copy when the original document is photo copied or scanned and is signed by a person authorised to certify documents.
A stamp is required on the certified copy to signify that it is a true copy of the original document.
The following information is required on each page of the certified copy:
The words “Certified True Copy of the Original”.
The signature of the certifying person.
The name, date and provider or registration number or designation (eg: Police Officer) of the certifying person.
Documents Certified Outside Australia must be certified by an equivalent of the above authorised list within the country of origin.
Legal professionals and embassy officials can provide further information regarding certifying documents outside Australia.
http://www.acs.org.au/migration- ... certified-documents
Which documents require certifying?
Copies of all identification documents
Documents relating to training and education (e.g. Statement of Results)
Professional memberships
Employer references if the proper copies have not been submitted.
Who can certify documents outside Australia?
A person who is the equivalent to a Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for Declarations in that place may certify documents. Please ask your local courts or Embassy for who is eligible from overseas.
The ACS does not accept:
Photocopies of certified copies
Certification by a company rather than the individual within the company who is authorised to certify documents
Certification where the identity of the certifying officer is unclear or the certifier’s contact details are illegible.
ACS自己先要求推荐信上必须要有公司title,然后又必须要certified copy,然后这边的领馆说,如果有公司title的还就不给做certified copy,哪有这种自相矛盾的事情的?!
另外,领馆的网站上也明确说是有Notarial Services的呀,当然没有说的很细,是否能做reference letter的Notarial Services。
Notarial Services include:
certification of copies of official documents
witnessing of signatures on documents
witnessing the execution of affidavits
taking statutory declarations
authentication of documents
Witnessing and Certifying Documents
Requirements of this service are:
Original documents. Copies will not be certified.
Proof of your current name and signature, such as your passport
Service Fee