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我们的愿景 :
让所有的IT华人落地找工作不再是难事 已经有8000多个IT小伙伴关注加入我们,成为澳洲最大华人IT组织。也同样被上千名IT小伙伴认可。来自全球顶尖的IT大牛也聚在于此,让我们在异国他乡,也感受到了温暖 社群涵盖了IT求职群,悉尼,布里斯班,墨尔本地方群,大前端,php,AI,区块链,Java,Mobile,Laraval等专业技术群。每天上万条的活跃度,也证明了,我们IT人是一群有激情,有理想,更有爱心的群体。
为什么选择IT匠人的AWS项目实践班+认证考试?选择原因 The course aims helping candidates to get started with AWS with hands on experience. By the end of the course, candidates are supposed to:
- Better understand of IT in general
- Identifying basics of AWS and cloud concepts
- Describe core AWS services with practical experience
- Knowing most of AWS services on the domain map
- Name some of the fundamental cloud concepts and best practise
- Pass AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam
- Be exposed to more job opportunities
- 负责设计云计算基础设施和参考架构的个人
- 负责在AWS上设计及实施高级架构的系统工程师和开发人员
- 完成Architecting-on-AWS课程的人员
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