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本科:2005年9月至2009年7月 四川成都电子科技大学 自动化工程学院 测试和控制技术与仪器 (毕业,有毕业证、学位证,没取得任何国际认证书,没有实习经验)
大一:2006年4月 计算机等级考试三级PC技术(很鸡肋,还是写出来以便分析)
本科课程: (英文名暂时省略了)
中文名 英文名 学分 成绩(满分为100)
高级语言程序设计 2 98
软件技术基础 4 95
微机原理和接口技术 5 85
数字逻辑设计和应用 4 94
单片机原理和应用 3 82
嵌入式系统软件技术 2 92
计算机网络 2 82
计算机测控系统 3 81
现代工程设计制图 2 93
多媒体创作 2 88
信息论导论 2 94
系统工程导论 2 93
电路分析基础 4.5 91
信号与系统 5 94
模拟电路基础 4 85
电磁场与电磁波 4 87
电子测量原理 4.5 81
通信电子线路 3 94
电子技术实验基础 2 90
数据域测试和仪器 3 97
虚拟仪器基础实验 3 85
控制工程基础 3 94
电装实习 0.5 93
集成电路应用实验 2 93
计量概论 2 89
测试新技术讲座 2 Pass
毕业设计 8 86
线性代数与空间解析几何 4 92
微积分 一 6 88
微积分 二 5 94
概率与数理统计 3.5 91
数学实验 2 95
大学物理 一 4 83
大学物理 二 4 79
物理实验 4 94
英语暑期综合实践 2 91
综合英语 2 91
大学英语一级 4 87
大学英语二级 4 90
大学英语三级 4 89
大学英语国家统考四级 594
德语 4 98
儒家思想和中国传统文化 2 83
思想道德修养与法律基础 3 83
欧洲经典音乐赏析 2 92
中国近代史纲要 2 92
中国近代史纲要实践 1 81
毛邓三概论 4 75
毛邓三实践 2 91
马克思主义基本原理 3 86
马克思主义基本原理实践 1 75
军事理论 2 92
军事实践 1 84
社会实践 2 92
金工实习 1 74
体育 一 2 86
体育 二 2 93
体育选修 1 85
游泳 1 90
健身 1 95
本科GPA是3.83 (4.0分制下) 或者88.3 (100分制下) 为校方算出的数字,电子科技大学用的是4.0分制
学士论文题目:Pattern-based Recognition of Flavoring Packets on the Instant Noodle Production Line
This paper demonstrates a research for recognition of favoring packet labels on the instant noodles production line, taking advantage of knowledge in computer-aided manufacturing. By recognizing the the packets, the manufacturer can ensure the production quality automatically. On-scene pictures of each piece of product taken from the production line under different conditions were analyzed and tested by programs written in C/C++ to give a good recognition rate. An ideal configuration was found and the final test result was accepted by the manufacturer.
托福 iBT:2008年12月6日 总得分86分 各项分稍后补上(很鸡肋,还是写出来以便分析)
硕士:2009年9月至2010年7月 四川成都电子科技大学 自动化工程学院研究生院 测试计量技术与仪器(肄业,没实习经验)
硕士:2010年9月至2012年7月 韩国 浦项工科大学 计算机科学与工程学院研究生院 (Pohang University of Science and Technology,POSTECH)Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Intelligent Software Lab. (第一个实验室,一年后转到后一个实验室了) and Mobile Networking Lab.
中文名 英文名 学分 成绩
人工智能导论 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3.0 A0
信息获取 Information Retrieval 3.0 B0
统计自然语言处理 Statistical Natural Language Processing 3.0 A-
软件工程 Software Engineering 3.0 B+
网络管理系统 Network Management System 3.0 A+
基于智能手机和设备融合技术 Convergence using Smart Phones and Devices 3.0 A0
IT科学写作 IT Science Writing 2.0 A0
计算机科学研讨会 一 Computer Science Colloquium A 1.0 S(通过)
计算机科学研讨会 二 Computer Science Colloquium B 1.0 S(通过)
博士论文研究 Doctoral Dissertation Research 6.0 S(通过)
博士论文研究 Doctoral Dissertation Research 9.0 S(通过)
硕士论文研究 Master Thesis Research 9.0 S(通过)
硕士GPA是3.75 (4.3分制下) 或者94.5 (100分制下) 均为校方算出的数字,浦项工科大学用的是4.3分制。
题目是:Rule-Based Implementation of English Sentence Stress Prediction
Predicting relevant sentence stress position is necessary to give proper instructions and feedback to English learners. Simple syntactic features designed by linguists of Seoul National University have been taken into consideration in the rules. The results came out as sentence stress label for each word, given input of a sentence text. Data from Boston University Radio Speech Corpus were tested to give a 60.42% precision, which is around 20% higher than baseline system whose precision is 50.34%, a 81.21% recall and the F-score is 69.29%
硕士论文题目是Real-Time Estimation of Self-Similarity in Wireless Traffic
Self-Similarity (S-S) is a valuable property of various networks traffic being abundantly studied for both analysis and applications. It is promising to test the S-S property for recent network traffic and potential discoveries would contribute to more useful applications. Besides, although off-line analysis of the S-S property has predominated since 1990s, there are recent studies showing that real-time estimation of the S-S property can be applied to some tailor-made applications. For example, it may help detect some network attacks because the S-S property parameter reacts quickly to those attacks. We first demonstrate the existence of the S-S property of a recent collection of 802.11 wireless network data traces, and then present a faster implementation of an existing linear-modeling method Variance-Time Plot (VTP) for those data traces, as well as a non-linear modeling of VTP plot being examined and shown to represent the S-S property more appropriate and accurate for testing data traces. Results showed that our proposed method achieved the processing time much shorter than original VTP method, while the accuracy remained in an accepted range. This performance would enable several real-time applications which require swift response to the change of the S-S property. For the non-linear modeling of VTP plot, the accuracy was shown to be as high as the proposed modified VTP method. Meanwhile, the results showed that the new parameter set of proposed method would enhance the understanding and performance of original VTP method.
托业:2012年9月 总得分960分 听力495分 阅读465分(很鸡肋,还是写出来以便分析)
托业口语:2012年9月 总得分170分(很鸡肋,还是写出来以便分析)
2013年1月至今 韩国 首尔 COM2US株式会社(主营iOS和Android设备上的游戏)Developer 职责是平台软件前端、客户端、后端开发
https://play.google.com/store/ap ... droid.key&hl=en
261313 Software Engineer
261312 Developer Programmer
261399 Software and Applications Programmer
233999 Engineering Professional