论坛里的朋友们帮帮忙,我想请问下309在线申请这几个问题我该怎么回答啊。我老公一直在国内,我们也没有共同财产,我们刚刚结婚不久。对于这几个问题,我一直有困惑,不知道这是不是就是个人陈述和朋友关系证明啊,难道之前让朋友写的证明就填到 第三个问题里去吗?还有第4个问题一直不是很清楚到底要怎么填,希望帮帮我啊,我对比了CHECKLIST还是毫无头绪。 1) Give details of the financial aspects of the relationship. 2) Give details of the nature of the household. 3) Give details of the social aspects of the relationship 4) Give details of the nature of the commitment the applicant and the sponsor have to each other 5) Give details of the development of the relationship between the applicant and the sponsor