二宝来的突然也没来得及买私保,大宝是国内生的,剖腹产,所以这次几乎是个新手妈妈,头一次在澳洲生孩子心里没底,非常紧张。因为没有私保只能走公立,我现在是在westmead public hospital产检,对这家医院没有太多了解,想问问坛子里有没有在westmead public剖腹产的妈妈,可以分享下生产和医院的信息吗?不胜感激!
I had emergency C in Westmead Public about 4 years ago. The operation was good but not much extra care from midwife after the operation. This time I went to OB who told me normally emergency C will be preformed by experienced doctor however the operation booked in advance maybe done by some kind of trainee but with experienced doctor onside.