发表于 2014-4-2 22:43:04
来自: INNA
维州对博士有绿色通道,不过要拿到毕业证才行,在读博士快毕业时也许可以申请,只要雅思4个6,无需工作经验。你可以查阅http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.go ... n-list-for-victoria。也可以打电话问一问维州移民局。
PhD Graduates
ANZSCO code Occupation Minimum IELTS requirement Minimum work experience Specialisations and other requirements
PhD Graduates 6.0 in each band PhD graduates who have completed a doctorate (from an Australian educational institution or other doctorate from an international institution, of a recognised standard as assessed by the relevant skill assessing authority) in a specialist field relating to an occupation on this, the State Nomination Occupation List for Victoria, within the past five years. PhD graduates are not required to meet any work experience requirements specified for their nominated occupation.