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The Job Factory 是澳洲本土一家非常专业的工作中介公司,创建人Craig Binnie 曾是澳洲最大一家报社的一名资深编辑(Google his name to find his work on more than 50,000 Google pages)。 在过去的三年里,我们帮助了成百上千个无助绝望的毕业生找到了稳定且令人钦羡的工作--这甚至常常发生在短短数日之内!!!
我们可以帮助您在Accounting、Admin、IT、Engineering、Age Care、Law 等各个行业领域帮您快速找到工作,欢迎大家Google 搜索The Job Factory 查询我们的官方网站了解更多详情 (无法发表官网链接,泪奔,多多包涵)
当一个新空缺的职位一旦被发布到广告上时,您必须要打败上百位竞争者才能赢得那份工作。 我们的策略是,在这些招聘广告刊登出来之前先帮您找到这些工作,这样您就不用面对50个甚至上百个竞争者,面试的几率将会大大提高, 而且若您符合这些职位的基本技能要求,您将非常可能拿到这份工作。
我们也提供Resume 和Cover Letter 修改的服务, 确保您发出去的简历无语法错误和拼写错误,并且提供最专业的建议。
多拖延一天,您就多一天的 jobless 和unemployed,多一天的焦虑和烦恼。
需要帮助的同学,欢迎查看我们的官方网站 (Google "The Job Factory").
直电 Craig 0433 11 4847 (请在9 am - 5 pm 之间拨打)
加微信 Craigb1
The Job Factory is anAustralian company that can find jobs fast. We have been helping Chinese allover Australia find jobs for more than three years.
Read the hundreds of testimonials on our website (search the job factory) to see how fast we have been able to findjobs for accountants, aged care workers, engineers and administration staff. Weare able to find virtually any job.
We are successful because we find jobs before theyare advertised. We try to make sure that our clients are the only peopleinterviewed for the job.
We can also fix your cover letter and resume togive you the best chance of getting a job.
The Job Factory is owned by Australian journalistCraig Binnie who can be contacted on 0433 114 847 or on WeChat with the ID =Craigb1
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