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9/26提交的签证,因为是非首次,手续很简单。 但是,54表格居然要让用中文填写。表格上明明写是英文填写,窗口的人说,表格的说明是错的。俺爹只能和一堆人(都是为了这54表格)挤一起再将中文添上去。
交了材料,说是等通知体检,要一个月左右。交了15块软妹币,说是可以短信通知。 等吧。。。中间过了一个国庆假期。
Our department policy supports the grant of a long validity visa in your case, 3 years validity with multiple entry, and providing for a stay in Australia of up to 12 months on each entry, subject to the provision of health insurance evidence.
If you decide to take the offer of a long validity visa, please provide us with the health insurance evidence via email or via the AVAC within 28 days of the date of this email. Our requirements for health insurance cover are that: 1.The insurance is appropriate for visitors to Australia. For policies not purchased in Australia the minimum benefit for Medical Reimbursement costs must be AUD 1,000,000. 2.The insurance cover is for 12 months, showing the start date and end date of the membership with the insurer, and/or that the insurance cover will commence on the date you arrive in Australia for a period of 12 months. 3.The insurance evidence should include the applicant's full name and date of birth.
2014-10-16 21:14:05
Medibank 和 Bupa 比较了一下。价格Bupa略便宜,而且暂停的时间多一些(最多9个月)。打了个电话去,问有没有折扣,没戏。月付方式,两个人$218.36。问,月付的话,保单不会显示12个月的保险时效,可以吗? 回答说,有一个附加条件在里面,没问题。
It is important to ensure you pay your premiums to commence and/or maintain your health insurance cover. Bupa may otherwise need to terminate your policy, which may mean that you are no longer compliant with the necessary visa requirements. Please also note, that by providing this letter to DIBP as part of the visa application process, you are agreeing that Bupa may notify/confirm the status of your private health insurance coverage should we be requested to do so at any time by DIBP.
还是不放心。于是被嘲笑说我paranoid 说,这个保险是他们和移民局共同商榷确定下来的,绝对没问题。 当场买了。立刻email回寄给签证中心,第二天就收到签证了。
1. 考虑到保险,申请了每次不超过6个月,直接给的每次不超过12个月。现在看来,要么一年多次3个月,要么一年多次最长一年(需体检),要么三年多次最长一年。 2. 保险就直接乖乖保澳洲的吧 3. 保险买了之后记得做一个授权。这样有什么问题,就可以你替父母交涉了。有个授权表,需要父母签字的。