发表于 2014-6-18 15:44:09
来自: INNA
我正在看书'First -time parent' by Lucy Atkins. 学习中。
这上面说 小孩到了六个月,基本能够getting through the night without a feed. But it doesn't mean they'll want to. If your baby is six months or older and is still waking for night feeds, it may be one of several factors:
1) She is not getting enough calories in the day. 确保她白天可以至少每三个小时能吃好。或者咨询你的GP她白天吃的够不够。
2) She is in the habit of waking for comfort more than food, 如果是这样的话,她只是不停的要,但并没有喝多少。Try offering less and less milk, until you're just giving her water to drink. And keep it all very boring - She may wake less when she realizes it's not much fun.
3) She's ready to start solid food: milk just ain't enough.
And apart from food, there are other reasons why babies might wake up and cry at night:
1)She is uncomfortable: a full nappy
2)She is feeling chilly or overrheated
3)She is feeling unwell
4)She is not getting enough excercise, light and fresh air during the day. She may have pent-up energy, so get outside more and let her kick, crawl, and burn it off as much as possible during the day.
5)She is not getting enough naps: poor or interrupted daytime naps often mean disturbed nights.
6)She may have indigestion if you've just started solids.
How to establish good sleep habits:( 其实不推荐小孩和大人一起睡,小孩容易被大人压倒,而且翻身也会互相影响,从六个月,她应该能够自己睡小床了。)
You should also try to establish a bedtime routine so that your baby starts to learn when it is time to go to sleep at night.
You are aiming to:
Put her down at bedtime after a routine that leaves her a clean , fed and dozy, but not fast asleep.
Let her drift off to sleep on her own, without you jiggling, rocking, feeding repeatedly and comforting.
Teach her, by doing this, that if she wakes in the night she is safe and can happily put herself back to sleep without needing you to come in(unless, of course, she still needs a feed at night, or something is wrong)
For example, when she is starting to get sleepy and ready for bed:
Change the tone of the day: go all quiet, calm and soothing(even if your baby is yelling)
Give her a bath, a clean nappy
Feed - in the same place every night, ideally in the bedroom where she sleeps, with only a dim light.
Try not to let her fall asleep during the feed if you possibly can (start the routine earlier if she is crashing out every night before you get her into bed)
Burp her and put her, dozy but awake, in her cot
Pat, stroke or sing - the same song every night - for a minute, then leave the room saying calmly 'Night Night' (ignoring any howls,which should stop after a minute or two unless this is your first attempt)
如果过几分钟她还是没有停止哭,回去房间。Try burping her again, then put her down, say ‘Night Night‘ and leave the room.
其实baby 被放到床上哭几分钟非常正常,他们在适应(而且在想是否能用哭声唤回你)。如果你减少你的concern,前提是make sure 你follow your routine而且she 's had a good feed and a good burp, and you have ruled out signs of illness, 你应该能够放心让她哭一会。
If you wait to start all this until your baby is bigger - say six months plus - and is still waking up a lot at night, the learning curve can be significantly tougher. There are endless variations on how to get an older baby to sleep better at night, but probably the best known is 'controlled crying' where you let your baby cry, popping in every five minutes or so to give reassurance that you've not abandoned her, until she learns to put herself to sleep unaided. A nicer name for this general approach is' kiss and retreat', but it can be gruelling. This is why establishing good ' sleep habits' very early on is a particularly good idea.
都是纸上谈兵,还是楼主自己实施啊。 |