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历经千辛万苦,延了两次28天的extension,今天终于收到移民局第二笔缴费的通知了,不过从4月19日开始,使用信用卡缴费需要收取手续费,真是欲哭无泪啊...就差那么几天!!!!!! 现在还在研究到底用信用卡缴费值不值得......
如果用V/M - 1.08% x 42220 = 455.98 AE - 1.99% x 42220 = 802.18
Please note: From 19 April 2014, a credit card surcharge will apply to transactions made using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB and Diners credit cards. The following rates will apply: Visa and Mastercard - 1.08%American Express and JCB - 1.99%Diners Club International - 2.91%