在列aos具体收入要求之前,有个idea和大家分享一下。 关于打centrelink电话。相信很多人都会尝试打它的主线132850,只是要么等待时间接近1小时,要么直接就忙音。非常沮丧。然后我决定不浪费时间在电话上,直接去office。结果到了office很不幸运地被告知如果仅仅询问关于aos的话,只能通过打电话给service centre 。
ps. 之前有朋友说到可以请朋友帮忙共同担保,日后其中一个担保人收入达到要求可以把另一个交换出来。经过确认,这是不对的。一旦签署了担保申请,那么在每个保期内就只能最多担保2个人,这2个人可以是不同申请的两人,可以是同一申请的两人。保期指的是被担保人签证要求的时间,比如父母付费移民担保是10年,其他签证担保是2年。
1.去年的收入以去年的退税单为依据,是ato回发给你的notice of assessment。只要上面显示的taxable income超过$27965.60(无18岁以下子女)就可以了。
“Each Assurance of Support can cover up to 2 adults and an unlimited number of their dependent children.”
“You may assure a maximum of 2 adults at any one time. An adult is someone aged 18 years or over at the
time of the visa application.”
“Who can give an Assurance of Support?
An assurer must reside in Australia and be:
• an adult (aged 18 years or over)
• an Australian citizen, the holder of an Australian permanent visa or an eligible New Zealand citizen
• able to provide proof of income at or above the income test threshold for the current and previous
financial year.”