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之后收到了签证官邮件,说收到了我儿子的入学文件,租房合同还说“I acknowledge that while these may be considered ties to Australia, they do not constitute as substantial ties. Could you please clarify your situation and advise your ties to me via return email.”
然后我回了邮件,说明了我还了bankstatement,medicare,驾照,车注册文件等,表明我在澳洲有那么点点资产,也算personal ties吧,也说了我目前没工作,同时憧憬了我在澳洲美好的未来,表明我意愿常驻
之后签证官回信说: The below outlines ties to Australia which are not constituted as substantial. Do you have a compelling compassionate reason to travel overseas? If so, please provide evidence of this.
我回邮件说明了我的理由: 自己在这边照顾两个小孩子不管是精力还是经济上都很大压力,目前没工作,无力负担小宝宝的childcare费用,所以希望把小宝宝送回国,我在这边带一个孩子。等找到工作,经济条件好一点,把小的接回来送childcare
然后签证官给我如下建议: Could you please confirm that your ties to Australia.
Business: ? Personal: ? Employment: ?
Should you not be able to provide evidence of substantial ties to Australia you may wish to withdraw your application to avoid a refusal on your record.
我这是要被拒签的节奏吗? 我能提供的substantial ties也就上面那些了,没工作,没房产,咱也不是啥名人,没啥经济文化交流作用,有没有类似情况的申请成功过? 有哪位大侠可以指点一二,下一步我该怎么做?