6.23早致电移民局语音留言,不到1小时收到回复电话,很激动。 于是告知对方以上信息,需要确认我父母是否可以如期抵达,是否需要申请费扣除后才能来澳。对方回复给了我们一个大大的定心丸:as long as the applications are received before 2nd June , then means they are lodged (只要申请材料于6月2号前送达,即视为lodged.) They apply for 103 visa and they are coming on a different visa , so no problem. (他们申请了103,但此次来澳是使用已批准的旅游签证,两回事,没有问题的)You are talking about in 13 years once their visa granted, then they have to be offshore.(当父母签证被批准时,大概13年后,届时父母必须在澳洲境外) 又问父母不会抵达澳洲后因为visa问题而直接被遣返吧
6.27日更新: 近几天有同学告知若有8503条款是要等到扣款后父母才能入境,于是刚刚又致电移民局,一定要把8503问的清清楚楚。这次不到3分钟就接通了,告知对方如上背景,询问“with the 8503 subclause, is it irrelevant whether the fee has been charged or not when my parents come to australia?" 回答“yes, i agree, as long as they are outside australia when they lodge the application, and in your case, the lodgement date is 22nd May". (我记错了delivered date,应该是27日)8503对我父母的限制是,这次来澳洲如果住满签证允许的周期,他们是不能在澳洲境内继续申请下一个逗留的签证的。如果不含8503这个条款,他们可以直接在澳洲境内继续申请下一个旅游签证。