发表于 2014-8-10 20:53:44
来自: INNA
Sometimes ‘block feeding’ may be suggested for a mother who is making too much milk. This is where a mother only offers her baby the one breast whenever her baby wants a feed for a certain block of time (eg over 3–4 hours). Then, when the next block of time (eg the next 3– 4 hours) comes up, the other breast is offered when the baby wants to feed. By offering only one breast per block of time, this helps to ensure that each time the baby comes back to the breast that he receives a smaller volume of breastmilk that is higher in fat and calories. The length of the block of time depends on the degree to which the mother is producing too much milk. Block feeding is nearly always temporary. Eventually, most babies begin to take both breasts at a feed.
至于一个block是多长时间,喂之前是不是先需要express取决于你的over supply
我当初block的长短和express掉的volume是lactation consultant参照我的产量定的 |