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内部人士介绍南航国际航班只有阿姆线配幼儿安全带,其他都自己抱着。 如果这是真的的话,澳大利亚有相关规定吗,可以投诉吗
au规定链接: http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_92030
CASA’s regulations covering Australian airlines require all passengers and crew to be secured with a seat belt during take-off, landing and at other specified times of flight. CASA recommends children are seated in approved safety seats. A lap-held infant must be restrained, but the adult seat belt must not be fastened around both adult and infant as this can cause serious problems in an accident or incident. In this case a loop belt can be used. Currently there is not an international requirement for the restraint of children, so not all airlines will offer a loop belt. In this circumstance a child should still not be secured with the adult seat belt when on the lap. Discussions are underway at an international level on child safety to consider all these issues.