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被人07年毕业,专业软件工程,评估261313,目测应该是扣2年,所以要到明年6月份才满7年(skilled=5年),如果我在不换工作的情况下,是否可以现在提交acs申请,也就是skilled employment应该是4y5m,到明年7月的时候是否只需要提供当前工作证明就可以来claim skill employment 5y的加分?还是需要重做acs?偶然看到这个链接,下面有例子是说NSW190对新的工作经验不承认叫他重做acs. 所以想请教下大家.
http://ozdeep.com/2013/10/16/nsw ... yment-points-claim/
NSW回复: ————— Dear CANDIDATE I have reviewed your request to supplement your application with additional work experience and we will require the employment to be included on your ACS Skill Assessment. This is to ensure that our policy is in line with DIAC, whom require ICT work experience to be reviewed by ACS. You may be able to ask for your assessment application to be expedited, if so- I can confirm that your application is currently on hold pending the outcome of your revised skill assessment. Please reply to this email within 21 days or a decision will be made based on the evidence provided. Regards NSW
———————- OZDEEP大致翻译: 我们审核了你提交的补充材料,但是我们要求你必须把这额外的1.8年工作经验交由ACS审核并给出评估。这是为了严格遵守DIBP的政策,也就是ICT相关的工作经验需要ACS审核评估。 你可以要求我们在你和ACS联系期间暂时冻结你的申请,请在21工作日内回复我们,否则我们将根据现有的资料来给出最终的审核结果决定。 NSW - See more at: http://ozdeep.com/2013/10/16/nsw ... thash.yWh9NqHI.dpuf