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Journalists reporting on the Winter Olympics are being offered the chance to sleep on the job thanks to high-tech cabins at the Beijing media centre.多亏了北京冬奥会主新闻中心的高科技休息舱,报道冬奥会的记者有机会在工作间隙打个盹了。
The "Sleep Rest Cabins" are just one of a number of innovations to be unveiled at the Games.“睡眠休息舱”只是北京冬奥会上众多创新之一。
Anyone can access the pods by scanning a QR code on their phone. 用手机扫描二维码,即可进入舱内。
The spacious cabins contain the same bed Olympians are sleeping on in the Athletes’ Village with the user able to adjust their position and with a remote control or mobile phone.宽敞的休息舱里有冬奥村运动员同款智能床,用户可以用遥控器或手机调整高度。
The beds even have a “zero-gravity mode” meant to reduce stress on the body — you don’t quite float, but it’s pretty comfortable.这些床甚至还可以设置“零压力模式”以减轻身体压力,虽然不会让人漂浮,但躺起来非常舒适。
Zhao Yufeng, a spokesperson for cabin manufacturer Keeson Technology Corp., said 30 to 40 people a day have been using them so far.睡眠休息舱制造商麒盛科技发言人赵玉峰(音译)表示,到目前为止,每天有30-40人使用休息舱。
“We’ve placed sleeping cabins here for journalists to give an environment to work, rest and get relaxed,” she said.她说:“我们在这里为记者安置了休息舱,为他们提供工作、休息和放松的环境。”