发表于 2014-6-25 13:50:21
来自: INNA
上council的网站上能找到自己所有的council所有政府公立的cc以及他们的联络方式. council cc is non-for-profit, usually better than private ones but there are good private cc out there as well.
3,CC full time part time是什么概念?CC可以根据家长需求来schedule吗,比如今天送3小时看看,下周再说,还是说要定个自己的时间表。
Full-time: 5 days a week, part-time: 1-4 days
most cc open from 7am - 6pm, you can choose to send your kid for as many or few hours as you like, but pay for the same daily fee.
80-120 per day in VIC. quite a few payment method to choose from. I go for direct debit.
if your kid is absent for the reasons you mentioned, you still need to pay.
or if you mean not going to cc at all, then you should give at least 2 weeks written notice to the center. some center requires longer notice.
5,CC的waiting list大致是怎么个情况
the better the center is, the longer the waiting list.
full time position usually requites a longer waiting time.
When I register with a council cc in 2014, they told me a full-time position means 18 months wait.
Now after 15 months wait, my sone finally got a part-time position there for 4 days.
So it's a good idea to start from part-time and once your kid gets in, he/she will have priority for more days in the center than other kids on waiting list.
Depends on the age of your kid. for baby room, the ratio by regulation is 1:4
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