1. PR 就是PR 没有正式不正式一说。 grant 了 5年的PR visa, 你依然要登录澳洲, 激活你的签证。你是想问 returning visa 的5年住满2年的条款么?那是要求 PR visa grant 以后的5年内住满 2年。。http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/residents/155/eligibility.htm
**You may still be able to return to Australia on another visa even if you claim and receive your superannuation money.
This payment is called the Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP).
This payment is not available for Australian permanent residents and citizens or New Zealand citizens (unless you previously visited Australia on an eligible temporary visa – in which case, some of your superannuation may still be payable as a DASP).