发表于 2010-3-7 15:25:09
来自: INNA
1. Queen 2. double 3. 1.8 meters 4. fridge 5. River View 6. West Avenue 7. mirror 8. main road 9. bus stop 10. Tuesday
11. C (1888) 12. capital from A (donation) 13. wanted to be B (oil painting) 14. 不记得了 15. next step是 C (education center) 16. special exhibition B (certain time) 17-20 方位题,不记得了
21. summary B (看materials) 22. C (library) 23. structure A (attend a class) 24. 不记得了 25. revising B (看materials) 26. purposes 27. computer 28. technology 29. B 30. C
31. cleaning materials 32. money lender 33. social worker 34. a vote right 35. sizes 36. 30,000 37. dry 38. street children 39. A (flexible workload) 40. C (literacy)