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大家好,本人一个星期前决定移民,这几天一直就在逛DIAC,泡localau,着实学习了很多,尽管本着提问之前一定要尽可能搜索DIAC上的guideline 和booklet以及坛里的相关问题,但是这个问题还是没有找到最好答案,最好还是鼓足勇气问问题啦,呵呵。
ACS的guideline里提到申请所需的材料列表(以下7项),其中没有特别提到需要工作年限的证明材料,还是他们会根据推荐信Employment References中的信息计算?如果需要单独的工作年限证明,那具体带如何办,有没有template,需要公证与否?
1. Copy of the Application Form signed by the applicant
2. Certified copy of Birth Certificate or Passport
3. Certified copy of Academic Qualification documentation
Title of Award
Name of Awarding Institution
The Year & Month Completed
Grades Achieved
4. Certified copy of Academic Transcripts
5. Certified copies of Detailed Employment References
6. Payment of the Application Fee
7. 2 Project Reports (ACS Project Report Form (RPL)) if applying for Recognition of Prior Learning