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默里奇桥中国同乡会是一个隶属于Murray Bridge 和Murrayland地区的服务于华人的公益组织。 我们通过开展各类社区教育及活动,如,中文学习, 由中国英语老师授课的基础英语学习,儿童午后周末舞蹈书法和绘画班,旗袍模特表演队,中国传统舞蹈表演队,麻将课和活动,太极课和表演等。我们默里奇桥中国同乡会致力于 普及和推广中国语言,传承和弘扬中国传统文化。 目前,我们面向默里奇桥和阿德莱德地区中国留学生和中国居民以及8-16岁儿童(儿童彩排和演出需要监护人陪同到场)招聘旗袍模特表演志愿者, 中国传统舞蹈表演志愿者,活动摄像志愿者,以及舞蹈编排和音响调控志愿者加入我们的旗袍和民族舞表演团队。 我们同时还在每周四下午和周末举办中文学习班,儿童书法绘画学习班。欢迎报名咨询。 要求: 热爱中国文化,对弘扬中国文化有热情,能积极参与周末的训练和彩排,参加各种省,区,市和社区举办的演出, 以及参加省区市 举办的各种多元文化大型活动(一般排练和演出安排在周末和晚间,不会耽误工作和课程)。 身体健康,身体条件适合旗袍和舞蹈表演,具有一定的音乐欣赏能力和舞蹈经验。摄像师要求有一定的摄像经验,有自己摄像设备者优先。 热爱舞蹈,表演 尤其是模特表演。乐于参与省区市举办的各项多元文化活动,有一定的舞蹈编排经验和表演基础的优先考虑。 年龄不限, 国籍不限,种族不限。 旗袍表演为女性。 舞蹈编排和音响调控师性别不限。 有澳大利亚合法居留签证。有澳大利亚驾驶执照和自有车辆者优先考虑。
联系方式: 或投递到我们的办公地址: MurrayBridge Chinese Association, 5 Second Street, Murray Bridge, SA 5253, 联系人:Carol 微信群聊: Murray Bridge Chinese Community (如果您有意加入我们的微信群请留您的微信号,我们邀请您加入)
Murray BridgeChinese Association locates in Murray Bridge which is about one hour drive fromAdelaide. We aim to promote Chineseculture and arts, deliver variety services and class, such as Chinese Language class,English class for Basic Chinese learners, Dance, calligraphy and Painting Classesfor children, Qipao Model performance team, Chinese traditional danceperformance team, Ma Jiang class, Tai Ji class, to the communities in MurrayBridge & Murraylands area, as well as in Adelaide area at Multi-culturalevents. We also offer Chinese language classes,painting and calligraphy class on Thursday in the afternoon and on Saturday inthe morning.
Currently, weare looking for ladies to join our Chinese traditional clothe- Qipao performanceteam; both men and women and children (8 to 16 years old) to join our Chinese traditionaldance team; we are also looking for choreographer,AcousticEngineer and photographer for helping with our performance at various events inthe State, Adelaide city and Murray Bridge & Murraylands area.
1. Beinginterested in Chinese culture and traditional dance and arts, Qipao model performance,and willing to attend various events in the State, Adelaide city and in MurrayBridge & Murraylands area (most performance are on the weekends and in theevening)。
2. Modeland dance performance volunteers need to have basic knowledge of music anddance. Choreographer,Acoustic Engineer and Photographer needto have relative knowledge and experience. 3. No limitto nationality, age or race. Must have legal Australia visa to live inAustralia (long term resident visa prefer). Australia Driving Licence and car. Contact: pleasesend your CV with a cover letter to, murraybridgechineseassociaiton@gmail.com , or post to our office at: Murray Bridge Chinee Association, 5 Second Street,Murray Bridge, SA 5253. Contact person: Carol Our wechat group is : Murray Bridge Chinese Community If you would like to join our Associaiton and group please leave your Wechat ID and we will contact and invite you shortly).