纽约时报:特朗普称福奇是 " 灾难 ",说美国人对这些 " 蠢货 " 的警告感到厌倦 当地时间 19 日,福克斯新闻公布一段特朗普的录音:特朗普称美国 " 抗疫队长 " 福奇博士是个 " 灾难 "," 如果我听这家伙的,我们可能有 50 万人死亡 "。 But Fauci's a disaster, I mean this guy, if I listened to him we'd have 500,000 deaths. 美媒披露了特朗普 19 日的通话内容。《纽约时报》报道称,特朗普在与比尔 · 斯特皮恩的通话中说道,"人们厌倦了福奇和这些蠢货,这些白痴们把事情都搞砸了。""People are tired of hearing Fauci and these idiots, all these idiots who got it wrong," Mr. Trump said in the call... 随着新冠肺炎疫情在美国愈演愈烈,特朗普与福奇之间的矛盾也日渐加深。 特朗普多次暗示最坏的情况已经过去。 《纽约时报》称,除了积极推广疫苗以外,特朗普政府并没有积极应对新冠肺炎威胁,而是要求全面开放经济,并让儿童返回校园。 But beyond pushing for a vaccine, the Trump administration has refrained from confronting the threat aggressively, pushing instead to fully open the economy and get children back in school. 此外,白宫新冠疫情特别工作组以前每天一次的例会,被改成了一周一次,通常是与州长进行电话会议,讨论特定的主题,例如检测、养老院等。 The White House coronavirus task force, which met daily at the outset of the pandemic, now meets about once a week and hosts a weekly conference call with governors, typically to address specific topics like testing and nursing home guidance. 与此相反,福奇始终敦促认真应对新冠疫情。福奇一直与白宫隔离,并且告诫美国人 " 不能放松警惕 ",要准备好迎接一个艰难的冬季。而这种观点恰恰与特朗普一直重复的观点相左—— " 疫情即将过去 "。这场疫情已经夺去 22 万美国人的生命。 ……Dr. Fauci has been separating himself from the White House and warning Americans to "hunker down" and brace for a difficult winter — a message at odds with Mr. Trump's repeated, if false, assurances that the nation is "rounding the corner" on a pandemic that has claimed about 220,000 American lives. 上周在接受《时代周刊》采访时,福奇表示,他对接下来几个月表示担心,并且对美国正在经历 " 第二波疫情 " 表示不赞同,因为美国 " 还没有完全度过第一波疫情 "。 But in an interview with The Times last week, before Mr. Trump ’ s latest comments, Dr. Fauci said he was concerned about the coming months, and resisted the idea that the nation was in a "second wave" because "we have never completely gotten out of the first wave." 当地时间 18 日,福奇接受哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)采访时表示,对特朗普所谓的疫情即将过去的说法表示不赞同。 It also comes after Dr. Fauci, in an interview with "60 Minutes" that aired on Sunday, dismissed the president ’ s claim that the end of the pandemic was just around the corner. 他还谈到,自己对特朗普感染新冠病毒完全没有感到惊讶。 绝对没有。当我看到他出现在人群拥挤、没有任何隔离、几乎没人戴口罩的场合下,我就担心他会感染。 Absolutely not. I was worried that he was going to get sick when I saw him in a completely precarious situation of crowded, no separation between people, and almost nobody wearing a mask. CBS 报道截图 节目播出后,福奇遭到了特朗普的痛批。 特朗普一边说福奇是 " 好人 ",一边又批评他 " 喜欢上电视 "," 做了很多次错误的判断 "。 当被问及为何不炒掉福奇时,特朗普称," 他在这待了 350 年了,我不愿意伤害他 "。 …Mr. Trump called Dr. Fauci "a very nice man" but complained that he "loves being on television" and has made "a lot of bad calls". Asked why he didn't fire Dr. Fauci, Mr. Trump said, "He's been there for about 350 years. I don't want to hurt him." 特朗普还表示," 每次他上电视,就像‘爆炸性新闻’一样,如果你开除他,那就是更大的‘爆炸性新闻’。" Every time he goes on television, there's always a bomb, but there's a bigger bomb if you fire him. 针对这样的指责,福奇引用《教父》中的台词称,"(应对新冠病毒)是我唯一真正关心的事情。就像《教父》中所说的,‘就我而言,对事不对人’。我只是想做我的工作,保护好美国人民。" " [ Addressing the virus is ] the only thing I really care about. That other stuff, it ’ s like in 'The Godfather': Nothing personal, strictly business as far as I'm concerned. I just want to do my job and take care of the people of this country," Fauci said. 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)援引著名公共卫生专家、哈佛医学院前教威廉 · 哈兹尔廷的话称," 对于这些美国需要用来保护自己免受致命疾病之苦的措施,福奇是最纯粹、最坚定的支持者。" " 特朗普做的事无异于房子着火烧毁了,却来攻击消防部门。" "Tony Fauci has been the most clear, consistent proponent of the measures the United States needs to protect itself from a deadly disease," William Haseltine, a renowned public health expert and former professor at Harvard Medical School, told CNN's Erin Burnett on Monday. "What Donald Trump is doing is attacking the fire department when the house in burning down." 同为抗击新冠疫情的重要领头人,中国钟南山院士和美国 " 抗疫队长 " 福奇截然不同的 " 待遇 ",让中国外交部发言人华春莹多次发出感叹:" 钟南山院士的专业建议已被采纳,他还被授予‘共和国勋章’,这是最高荣誉,他被视为英雄。我们希望福奇博士,这位美国版‘钟博士’也能够得到尊重和善待。" 美国或将迎来至暗时刻CNN 报道称,美国专家预测:未来的 6 到 12 周,将是美国新冠肺炎疫情最黑暗的时期。 "The next 6 to 12 weeks are going to be the darkest of the entire pandemic," expert says. 当地时间 18 日,美国明尼苏达大学传染病研究与政策中心主任奥斯特霍尔姆(Michael Osterholm)指出,疫苗要到明年第三季度才能 " 以有效的方式 " 提供,即使在这种情况下,美国一半人口还是对接种疫苗持怀疑态度。 Vaccines won't be available "in any meaningful way" until the third quarter of next year, he said – and even when they are, half the US population is skeptical of even taking one. 他强调,16 日美国单日新增病例约 7 万,这一数字与疫情高峰期间最大数量相吻合。他预测,单日新增病例还会进一步更高。 Osterholm highlighted the 70,000 cases of Covid-19 reported on Friday, which matched the largest number seen during the peak of the pandemic, and said that between now and the holidays, the US will see numbers "much, much larger than even the 67 to 75,000 cases," he said. 编辑:胡雨濛 王瑜 中国日报(ID:chinadailywx)综合纽约时报、CNN、CBS 等报道 免责声明:如果本文章内容侵犯了您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理,谢谢合作! |