发表于 2014-11-15 13:42:49
来自: INNA
谢谢 sinsin 同学的辛劳,帮大家问来了确定的好消息,具体在57楼 (请问同城网里如何加电梯啊?):
今天打电话1300652421问了,目前的CASE 做到2013年6月24日。 我的是9月份的, 号码是FN1074**,看上去和08×××不一样,但是是按照月份来处理CASE的,不用担心跳号的问题。 其他问题就让我写信去问。
2014/4/3 如何做AOS三部曲
1. 直接去centrelink。去之前要填写AOS申请表。当下来填写。
All assurers must provide:
• Department of Immigration and Citizenship letter to the visa applicant advising that an Assurance of Support
is required
• original documents to prove your identity (100 points). There is a complete list of acceptable documents
in the Proving your identity form
If you are signing as an individual assurer (i.e. you are not signing on behalf of an organisation) you must
also provide the following original documents to us:
• evidence of your taxable income for the last financial year (i.e. Notice of Assessment or any other Australian
Taxation Office (ATO) letter)
• evidence of your current ongoing income (e.g. 2 most recent consecutive payslips, letter from accountant,
letter from employer, profit and loss statement, etc.)
• proof of Australian citizenship or permanent residence.
2. centrelink会电话面试你,告诉你作为担保人你的义务等等。centrelink会邮寄通知,然后你带着去commonwealth bank存钱。据说如果比较急的话,是可以去任何一个centrelink找工作人员打印出来的。这样就不用等2天邮件了。
3. 去Com存定存,然后commonwealth bank会给你一个acknowledgement letter,一个bank guarantee。bank guarantee的费用是150刀。然后拿这两个去centrelink网点,会帮你传真的。也可以发邮件去centrelink,这个邮箱在面试的时候会给你的。然后centrelink会发一个确认信给你,告诉你aos已经接受了,并且通知移民局了。
2014/3/3 有用的链接
1. 用HAP ID在这个网址https://www.emedical.immi.gov.au/eMedUI/eMedicalClient 就可以填写医疗史了。然后点打印referral letter.两页纸。体检的时候带去。 |