发表于 2015-1-26 10:51:08
来自: INNA
1. Settling techniques
Important: winding down prior to bed time
Lower stimulation: take away toys, no bright lights, reduce noise level
Full wrap-Angel wrap
Low stimulus room (no direct sunlight)
Soft music
Rocking and patting
Dummy (我发现护士挺倾向于用奶嘴的,哄宝宝睡的时候也不必拔奶嘴,护士说宝宝睡着了会自己吐掉的)
2. Resettling
Wait for full cry, resettle by patting, stroking, rocking, dummy if preferred
Pick up briefly to comfort and relax
repeat process as needed.
(我家宝宝睡过了第一个睡眠周期,很难resettle回去的. 经常我重复以上的动作半个小时以上,他就眯个5分钟,10分钟,有时候根本就睡不回去.这就是考验妈妈们耐心的时候.护士说遇到这种情况,执行半个小时妈妈可以给自己一个break, 不然妈妈内心烦躁的话,宝宝会感受到,更难哄回去的) |