家里大儿子2月份满4岁了,年初登陆之后现在想给他找个合适的pre-school。因为住在Eastwood,所以看了几家比较近的后有2家比较心仪: - Acre Woods - Active Learning
Acre Woods感觉地方大,相对老师:孩子比更高些:3:24,而且离家近一点点。担心的是似乎课程比较松,怕孩子完全放养; Active Learning感觉强调学习,教授内容也比较多样,尤其感觉好的是他们会仔细问小朋友的饮食习惯(园长介绍)。担心的是其中一个老师后面很快要休产假,目前是比例是2:20,虽然园长说如果找不到好老师她会亲自上阵,但是还是怕后面小朋友不习惯。
Acre Woods有这么一段说得不错:The area of school readiness looks at all of the factors that are most important in preparing each child for a successful and productive time at school. Readiness is often incorrectly perceived to be based upon whether a child can count to 10 or 20 or write their name. However the most important factors associated with a successful start and continued learning in school relate to a child social and emotional maturity.