1. Whether universities should accept men and women atequal numbers in every subjects has been triggered numerous conflictingdiscussion. Some people hold the opposite opinion because they think it isdepends on personal attitude or choice and male tend to science whilst femaleprefer to arts. Nevertheless, in my view, I suggest universities accepted equalnumbers, and there are several reasons in the following aspects.
2. Nowadays,the importance of sports to students at school is obvious. Some people thinkthat students should not be encouraged to participate in sports because sportswill only cause competition while others believe that pupils should beencouraged to take part in sports because sports can cause co-operation.Personally speaking, I am in favor the latter view.
Itis quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a breakfrom studying after graduating from high school. The trend is not restricted torich students who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorerstudents who choose to work and become economically independent for a period oftime.
Asa result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country havebecome stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Justlike movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.
结合上述分析,同学们可以从以下方面入手来写出惊艳的开头段。第一,不要重复使用题目中给出的关键词。如例一中所示,“universities should accept men and women at equalnumbers in every subjects”这句表达本身就是题目,需要对此进行改写,可以改成:Some claim that admission offices of universities could enroll thesame amount of male students as that of their female counterparts.第二,把文章要讨论的焦点问题写出来,这道题目难点在于焦点并没有给出,所以要同学们对题目的类型熟悉。本文是写男女比例相同的利弊,因此第二句话是:This practice would bring many benefits for college students totheir academic life.
对于一篇文章而言,引言段所起的作用非常重要,如同一座建筑的门户,一个人的脸面;因此同学们切不可忽视,然而许多同学在此存在误区----把重点放在主体段即可,其余可以套用模板。这一说法实在是欠妥,因为引言段是读者判断文章是否要读下去的关键所在,希望同学们可以勤加练习,找到窍门,使考官可以raise their eyebrows,这样可以留下非常好的印象,打下高分的基调。