发表于 2011-4-10 20:11:46
来自: INNA
看了一下ENS booklet,貌似真的变了(booklet不定时更新):
department will assess your visa application against one of the following:
• you have been working full-time in Australia in the nominated occupation while
holding an eligible temporary residence visa (visa subclasses 457, 418, 422, 428, 421,
444 or 461) for at least the 2 years immediately prior to the lodgment of your visa
application, and that you have spent at least the last 12 months employed with your
ENS sponsor.
• you have a satisfactory skills assessment from an Australian assessing authority
which is relevant to your nominated occupation and you have at least 3 years of postqualification
work experience in your nominated occupation. You do not need to
have the necessary period of work experience if you can demonstrate that exceptional
circumstances apply. Additionally, the skills assessment criterion may be satisfied
if you have already been fully assessed by the relevant registration body for any
mandatory registration, licensing or professional membership requirement for your
nominated occupation.
• you have been nominated for a position with a base salary specified by legislative
instrument that is at least equivalent to the salary for a highly paid executive position.
但是不清楚这里所谓的skills assessment具体是指什么,什么机构有资格做这个玩意儿。还有check against是可以玩文字游戏的,可能有猫腻。最好着你的移民中介确认。