发表于 2010-5-22 02:16:14
来自: INNA
As a general rule, applicants should allow at least twelve weeks between the time of making a complete and satisfactory application to the ACS and a decision being made by the responsible decision maker. Timelines may be extended by a number of factors, including the complexity of the application, incomplete applications, requests from the ACS for additional information and the time taken by the applicant to provide additional or revised information.
Q. Can I contact the office regarding the progress of my application?
A. We advise against it, as this will result in a delay in processing your application.
PS. 等待确实是一种煎熬,尤其是在不知道结果的时候。但没有耐心,在澳洲是很难生存的。在这里什么都很慢,朋友入个籍,批准了,排队宣誓都可以一次次推,给你拖上个一年,出行计划全部打乱。去看医生,排队一般都是几小时的。有时候打客服热线,‘请稍候’一听就是半小时。ACS的CO才四个半,同时处理的申请有数千,怎么也快不起来的。