
楼主 |
发表于 2010-10-8 02:40:33
来自: INNA
Dear xxxx,
Further to the email requesting that you submit an updated sponsorship declaration, we are emailing to provide clarification in relation to the processing of your application.
As the Victorian Government's State Migration Plan is yet to be signed by the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, the Skilled and Business Migration Program is still unable to process or accept new applications under the new state sponsorship arrangements.
However, given the delay, a decision has been made to finalise applications on hand where the client has an occupation on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s Skilled Occupation List (SOL). This is because these applicants will receive Priority 2 processing while no State Migration Plan is in place. This is the same level of priority that will apply when the Plan is in place.
In the case of clients with an occupation that is not on the SOL, these applications will be finalised up to the point of decision and you will be advised of the outcome once the State Migration Plan is in place.
Please contact us if you have any queries.
Please quote Reference Number : SS-xxx-xxxx in all of your communication to us.
Kind regards,
Skilled and Business Migration Program
Workforce Victoria
Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development
GPO Box 4509, Melbourne, 3000
www.liveinvictoria.vic.gov.au |
T: 03 9938 0556 | F: 03 9938 0561 | [email protected]