发表于 2011-3-23 03:55:57
来自: INNA
所以你的第三种方法是,当主申请材料准备完成以后只缺partner skill 的 5分加分。主申请可以提前申请, 副申请材料后补, 依据请看 booklet 6 有关partner skill 段落的解释:
If you have a partner, it may be worthwhile to also obtain a skills and English language
assessment for your partner to see whose application may have the best chance of
success. When making your assessment remember that either you or your partner must
meet the pass mark individually.
If your partner’s skills are to be used to obtain partner skills points under the points test
(see below), a skills assessment for your partner must be lodged before a final decision is
made on your application, otherwise they cannot be taken into account.