发表于 2011-7-11 04:24:38
来自: INNA
Enter Site之后,选Credentialing下面的NAATI&Migration. 然后看以最下方有一个链接 CREDENTIALED COMMUNITY LANGUAGE POINTS INFORMATION, 点它是打开一个PDF文件,里面有获取5分的方法:
From 1 July 2011 a new points test has been introduced (for more information please see www.immi.
gov.au). The new points test introduces Credentialed Community Language points and evidence of
NAATI accreditation at the paraprofessional level or above, either in translating or interpreting, is
required in order to claim these.
NAATI accreditation can be achieved via a number of pathways:
• passing a NAATI accreditation test
• successful completion of a course of studies in translation and/or interpreting at an Australian
institution as approved by NAATI
• providing evidence of a specialised tertiary qualification in translation and/or interpreting obtained
from an educational institution overseas
• providing evidence of a membership of a recognised international translating and/or interpreting
professional association
• providing evidence of advanced standing in translating or interpreting.