
楼主 |
发表于 2011-6-15 18:04:32
来自: INNA
Explanation (Please explain why you believe your qualifications should be reconsidered, and which Group (A, B or C) you believe is appropriate)
I believe Group A is appropriate and the correct assessment result should be “… comparable to an Australian Bachelor degree with a major in ICT …” rather than previous outcome - “The applicant has Bachelor of Engineering from …, and Master of Business Administration from … which has been accessed as comparable to an Australian Master degree with less than a minor in Computing and therefore does not meet …”.
My request for re-assessment is backed by the following arguments:
1) The assessment criterion for educational qualification is “major/minor in ICT”, not “major/minor in Computing”.
2) It is commonly accepted that ICT is the abbreviation for Information and Communication Technology, which includes computing technology but covers far more than that.
One of the official definition of ICT ever used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) was “ICT refers to the technologies and services that enable information to be accessed, stored, processed, transformed, manipulated and disseminated, including the transmission or communication of voice, image and/or data over a variety of transmission media.” (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2005, ‘Innovation, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Statistics glossary’, Using Innovation, Science and Technology Statistics, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra.)
3) Electronic Engineering is a major in ICT. It covers knowledge domains of information processing and transmission, computer hardware and software, and systems integration. Nowadays, voice, Image, and/or data are widely accessed/stored/processed/transformed in places like integrated electronic circuits, wireless radio channels, cooper or fiber cables, etc. Courses of my Electronic Engineering study cover these topics very well.
4) Existence of my MBA education experience should not affect the fact that my Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering education background alone is qualified as major in ICT, because the qualification criterion does not require all my educational experiences to be qualified as major in ICT.
5) Evidences that my Bachelor of Engineering from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) fully meets the qualification criteria are:
a) The courses contained a major of Electronic Engineering, which is a major in ICT, and the predominant objectives were to educate persons to be professionals in ICT. Most of my classmates now work for ICT industry companies like Alcatel-Lucent, Google, HP, Huawei, IBM, Microsoft, etc.
b) There were 4 full-time semesters of full ICT content, which are semester 7, 8 9 and 10. The ratio of ICT content in semesters can be found in ATTACHEMENT A and B. Overall, there is more than 50% of ICT content, which is equivalent to more than 5 full-time semesters.
c) Courses of ICT content progressed through all years. Hours and credits of ICT content in each year can be found in ATTACHMENT C. More than one third (by course hours or credits) of the ICT content are at advanced level, they are:
i. Signals and Systems (semester 5)
ii. Multimedia Computer Technology (semester 6)
iii. Intro. to Statistical Analysis of Signals (semester 7)
iv. Modern Communication Principles (semester 7)
v. System Integration Technology (semester 8)
vi. Applications of Monolithic Microcomputer (semester 8)
vii. Spread Spectrum Communication & Applications (semester 8)
viii. Frequency Synthesis & Phase-locked Technology (semester 8)
ix. Microcomputer System and Interface Tech. (semester 9)
x. Thesis: Implementation of a Web Based Publication Search System (semester 10)
d) Given the fact that my Bachelor degree’s time setting in USTC has 10 semesters (5 years), rather than 8 semesters (4 years) in typical Bachelor studies’ time setting, when calculating course ratio or relevance, it is reasonable to calculate the last 8 semesters. In the last 8 semesters, there were more than 68% ICT course content, with more than 35% of it being at advanced level.
6) Evidences that my Bachelor of Engineering from University of Science and Technology of China is in a highly relevant field to the nominated occupation (261112 System Analyst) are:
a) Overall understanding about the big picture of ICT is essential for System Analysts to understand customer’s existing networking and computing systems. The following courses are must-have for acquiring necessary knowledge:
i. Computer Principles and Microcomputer (semester 7)
ii. Modern Communication Principles (semester 7)
iii. System Integration Technology (semester 8)
iv. Microcomputer System and Interface Tech. (semester 9)
v. Information Theory (semester 8)
vi. Multimedia Computer Technology (semester 6)
vii. Fundamentals of Microwave Technology (semester 6)
viii. Digital Signal Processing (semester 7)
b) Analyzing the processes and procedures of customer’s systems requires the knowledge and methodologies learnt from the following courses:
i. Signals and Systems (semester 5)
ii. Computational Methods (semester 3)
iii. Fundamentals of Software Technology (semester 8 and 9)
c) Designing and implementing of the networking and software systems requires the knowledge acquired from the following courses:
i. System Integration Technology (semester 8)
ii. Fundamentals of Software Technology (semester 8 and 9)
iii. Technology of Multimedia Computer (semester 6)
iv. Computational Methods (semester 3)
v. Computational Language (semester 1)
vi. C Programming Language (semester 8)
d) Project management methodologies were taught in the following courses:
i. System Integration Technology (semester 8)
ii. Fundamentals of Software Technology (semester 8 and 9)
e) The thesis work performed in the last semester, was to design and implement a web-based publication system for the university’s library. It is a very good exercise of System Analyst’s work:
i. Discussing with end users to understand their requirements
ii. Identifying and analyzing existing processes
iii. Making suggestions on new systems and new processes
iv. Developing functional specifications which were to be agreed by users
v. Implementing of the system by utilizing information and communication technologies, such like TCP/IP, Linux, Perl, PostgresSQL, Apache, CGI, HTML, C.
vi. End user training
vii. Gathering feedback and improving the system
f) Personally, my work in System Analyst role in Telecom industry (especially in IP television domain) benefited a lot from the knowledge I learnt from the following courses:
i. Radio Measurement (semester 5 and 6)
ii. Analog and Digital Filters (semester 5)
iii. Digital Logic Circuits (semester 6)
iv. Experiments on Digital Logic Circuits (semester 6)
v. Fundamentals of Microwave Technology (semester 6)
vi. Multimedia Computer Technology (semester 6)
vii. Digital Signal Processing (semester 7)
viii. Intro. to Statistical Analysis of Signals (semester 7)
ix. Antenna and Radio Wave (semester 7)
x. Digital Signal Processing Experiments (semester 8)
xi. Experiments of 16 Bit Computer Interface (semester 8)
xii. Receiving Tech. of Television Wave (semester 8)
xiii. Applications of Monolithic Microcomputer (semester 8)
xiv. Spread Spectrum Communication & Applications (semester 8)
xv. Television Prin. and Tech. Training (semester 9)
g) The courses mentioned above add up to more than 70% of total ICT content in my Bachelor degree study. Detailed calculation can be found in ATTACHMENT D.
ICT content ratio calculated by course credits
ICT content ratio calculated by course hours
Calculation of ICT content at advanced level
ICT content related to System Analyst occupation