
楼主 |
发表于 2012-3-25 19:57:31
来自: INNA
刚才一直在埋头学习MIGRATION SKILLS ASSESSMENT BOOKLET。但是看得我一头雾水。也许是我理解错了,还请大家指教!
1、Accredited Qualifications
2、Non-Recognized Qualifications
a. Australian Qualifications
b. Washington Accord
c. Sydney Accord
如果是第二类的,则需要提交Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)。
俺木有在国外读过书,也木有拿过海外的学位,是不是默认就属于第二大类2、Non-Recognized Qualifications ?
如果是的话,按照Checklist 2: for Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) Assessment Applications,我就需要提供一大堆材料了:
1. Completed Application Form, with passport-style photo
2. Application fee
3. Form to appoint person to act as agent [if necessary]
4. Certified true copy of passport bio-data page only (not the complete passport), and English language translation (if not in English) [Where this is not available, a copy of your Birth Certificate and/or National Identify Card may be acceptable in lieu]
5. Certified true copy of name change document [If necessary]
6. Original English language test (IELTS) result [if necessary]. You must arrange for this to be forwarded directly to Engineers Australia from the Test Center.
7. Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Resume
8. Certified true copy of academic testamur(s)
9. Certified true copies of academic transcript(s)
10. Certified evidence of registration under the relevant licensing authority in the country in which you are practicing [if necessary] e.g. Philippine Regulations Commission
11. Certified documentary evidence of employment [must be provided if you have relevant work experience of 12 months or more, or if the work experience provides
a basis of a career episode(s)]
12. An account of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
13. CDR Declaration Page
14. Three Career Episodes
15. Summary Statement of evidence for the competency elements
16. English language translations of above, where applicable
而且,第14项MS相当不容易呢,每一篇都要1000-2000 words!
Generally, for:
Non-accredited qualifications – turnaround is currently about 12 weeks from the date of receipt. Note this time can be highly variable depending on numbers of incoming applications
Accredited Australian and Accord qualifications – currently about 3-4 weeks.
Please do NOT contact Engineers Australia within these timeframes, as it will further delay processing times for all applications.