
楼主 |
发表于 2012-5-8 02:23:18
来自: INNA
每人回答啊. .. 那我自己翻了移民局网页, 大概清楚了. 大家讨论和确认一下.
(1). 5年之内要住满两年就可以延续visa. 那到底是不是5年之内的最后日子登陆都可以?
[My own answer] 应该是的. 这个visa有效期5年, 有效期内都可以用来出入. 如果人在澳大利亚,visa过期不影响PR身份.
然后住两年,然后就可以申请延期的 PR visa? [My own answer] 应该是的.
[My own answer] 从这方面看, 加拿大的移民监是更难守点. 我看一些帖子说这样在澳大利亚是可以的. 但没有确认.
(2). 如果(1)的理解是正确的,那么在两年的时间之内,如果已经超过5年visa有效期了,那么短期离开澳大利亚再回来的话, 是不是就拒绝入境了?
[My own answer] 如果离开澳大利亚再回来, 而且原visa过期了,要凭Returning Residence VISA (155) 回来. 申请Residence Return VISA的条件一般来说就是居住日期了. 还有一些其他的豁免 比较复杂. Return VISA有效期还有5年,1年,3个月的... 关于"demonstrate substantial ties of benefit to Australia", 如果一个人出入境, 妻子还在澳大利亚, 或者夫妻出入境, 孩子在澳大利亚读书, 算不算呢?
(3). 现在入籍的条件究竟是怎样?
[My own answer] 看官网有点一头雾水. 我的理解如下,望指正:
申请前的4年内持合法visa在加拿大居住,最后一年必须是永久居民身份. and
在四年之内没有离开澳大利亚超过一年. 在申请前的一年内没有离开澳大利亚超过90天.
FYI, 原文的参考:
http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... -the-visa-works.htm
This is a permanent residence visa. As a permanent resident you are permitted to remain in Australia indefinitely. This visa also allows you to travel to and enter Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted. The expiry of this visa does not affect your permanent resident status if you are in Australia. However, if you want to continue to travel to and from Australia as a permanent resident after the initial visa has expired, you must obtain a Resident Return Visa (RRV). Your eligibility for an RRV will depend on the period that you have resided in Australia.
http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/ ... -the-visa-works.htm
This visa is usually granted for five years for people who have lived in Australia as a permanent resident for at least two in the last five years. Alternatively, if you do not meet this residence criterion but can demonstrate substantial ties of benefit to Australia you may be eligible to be granted the visa for one year. If you do not meet the requirements of the subclass 155 visa you will be assessed for the Three Month Resident Return visa (subclass 157).
http://www.citizenship.gov.au/ap ... ferral_app_process/
The residence requirement is based on the time you have lived in Australia and the time you have spent outside Australia.
You must:
have been living in Australia on a valid Australian visa for four years immediately before applying which must include the last 12 months as a permanent resident, and
not have been absent from Australia for more than one year in total, in the 4 year period, including no more than 90 days in the year before applying.