
楼主 |
发表于 2012-6-16 08:58:36
来自: INNA
Transitional arrangements for certification under Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme from 8–30 June 2012
12 June 2012
Applications to Skilled Migration Western Australia (SMWA) for certification under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) lodged after 8 June 2012 will not be assessed before 30 June 2012.
It is possible to apply for certification with SMWA on 8-30 June 2012 if you intend on lodging a nomination with Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) during this time. DIAC will accept nominations with a receipt of lodgement from SMWA.
These applications will only be assessed by SMWA after 30 June 2012, with proof of lodgement with DIAC. The criteria of the time of lodgement with both DIAC and SMWA will apply.
For more information please contact DIAC on 131881.
过渡性安排;6月8日后提交的州担保申请7月前都不审理了。如果打算在8-30日之间提交DIAC,那还是可以在8-30日期间申请州担保。下一句就迷惑了,DIAC接受‘with a receipt of lodgement from SMWA’这个指什么?州担保申请提交证明?