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我8月12号递的EA评估,申请的是mechanical engineer。
但是后来CO联系我说,我的本科的课程不符合澳洲mechanical engineer的要求,只好选择了评为 engineering technologist,今天收到的评估结果。
但是我8月22号递485申请的时候以为可以评出mechanical engineer 所以当时E-lodge的申请里 提名职业是填的 mechanical engineer。
form1022 是notification of changes in circumstances, 上面的解释说,use this form to notify the department of any changes in your circumstances that affect any answers on your application form.
form1023 是notification of incorrect answers, 解释说,you should use form 1023 if you wish to notify the department that you have supplied it with any incorrect information.
我自己考虑了一下,我自己条件并没有改变,只是当初误以为可以申请mechanical engineer才填了那个提名职业,所以应该是用 form 1023 notification of incorrect answers。但是又不是非常的确定,求解~~~