发表于 2012-11-27 13:48:45
来自: INNA
其实移民局对于每个职业的门槛都有一个要求,对于claim分数的工作经验是要求skilled experience。怎么算skilled的呢?就是要达到这个门槛以后的才算。移民局的database上对于什么是skilled有明确的定义:
When is an applicant skilled
Skilled on basis of educational qualifications
An applicant is taken to be capable of undertaking work at a skilled level only after they have met the entry level requirements for that occupation.
If the entry level prescribed for the applicant’s nominated occupation is a certain qualification only work undertaken after the applicant has completed that qualification will be counted as skilled employment.
For example to be a Systems Analyst, ANZSCO states that the entry level requirement is a bachelor degree or a higher qualification or at least 5 years relevant experience. If an applicant had worked in a systems analyst role while completing their bachelor degree, only the work undertaken after the academic requirements of the bachelor degree had been met would count as skilled employment.
移民局自己给出的例子已经很明确了,对于Systems Analyst来说,要么是本科后的经验,要么是相关工作5年后的经验,这两者才能用来claim分数。