
楼主 |
发表于 2010-5-4 04:47:30
来自: INNA
37分钟,346词。 仍然结尾有点匆忙,而且觉得写得多余了。。。。作文这东西开笔了很多东西不太受自己控制。。。
Some people think that universities should provide knowledge and skills related to future career. Others think the true function of the university is to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What is your opinion?
Arguments about whether the skills preparing for students' future career should be taught in universities exist widely, as some people consider that most students will join the companies so that the skills related to their career are essential, while others hold that universities should ever be places for offering access to knowledge for its own sake. In this essay, I will try disscussing about their reasons and giving my own opinion.
Teaching knowledge and skills related to students' future career could apparently enhance the competitiveness of them. For example, if the students have been taught about how to write a beautiful resume, they are more likely to get a chance for interview than those have not. After all, targeted education could often brings wanted result. Furthermore, in current economic situation, not to be unemployment is the firstly important issue once they have graduated, so considerably, courses on careers are popular with the students to some extent.
However, some people believe that the universities are shrine for knowledge itself, and the resposibility of them is to cultivate professionnal persons in various realms, so they must be pure. If someone wants to have courses for future career, he should go to the vacational school, not colleges. In contrary, if the universities opened a lot of courses for career education, they might not be able to focus on their original professional education. In other words, universities and vacational schools shoule not be mixed together.
In my opinion, there are hundreds of thousands of students in today's universities, but not everyone of them could be scientists, literator or artists in the future, while in fact most of them will join companies after they graduate. So I do agree that the universities can open a few courses for students' future career, because only a few courses will not ruin the nature of universities themselves, but they could help the students a lot.
In conclusion, I agree with opening career courses in the universities, not too many. But what courses to open, and how many there should be, are still under discussion.